
Always professional & creative photography services.

Our services are exclusive to Shmul Development Corporation, Realty Pros, Talma Travel and Tours and Ariel Home Services clients. Please contact us if you’d like to explore the option of being included in our exclusive program. Nemo’s Photo is the photography and videography division owned and operated by Ariel Home Services LLC, a Maryland company.

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Real Estate Photography

We are using top of the line camera systems, talented photographers and unique techniques to bring the best of real estate properties to life. While most real estate photographers are using multiple exposures to create the final photo we are  using “Flambiant” technique to combine the advantages of flash and ambient light. All photos are taken with full frame super high-resolution cameras to gain more details and achieve best results in post-processing.

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Real Estate Videography

Our stunning video tours are the result of our hard work and experience featuring real estate properties for more than 16 years. To make the end product attractive and informative we use high resolution camera systems, with expensive stabilizers, professional lighting and top-notch editing programs. 

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Travel Photography

AS part of our service to Talma Travel and Tours, a global travel company, using our top of the line equipment and talented photographers, we produce travel episodes from around the world. Time-lapses of sunsets from around the world, exotic destination videos and more.   

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Aerial Photography

Check out our library of amazing drone footage  videos from around the world. See these beautiful locations from the bird eye view. Enjoy hours of gorgeous views.

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Googel Earth Studio

As an authorize users of Google Earth Studio we use this unique developing technology to add special accent to our products. In some areas drones are not allowed, Google Earth Studio gives us a special opportunity to produce drone-like videos of almost unlimited locations around the globe.

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Event Photography

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